Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) refers to acupoint tapping: the tapping of the meridian points on the body using your fingertips. By tapping on these acupressure points, we calm the nervous system, and bring ourselves back to a sense of peace and serenity.
EFT is especially powerful in restoring balance - and can have long-term effects - when we focus on the root cause of an issue. Using this technique, we can rapidly heal traumatic memories and beliefs - psychological, emotional and psychic imprints - that are creating the blocks in your system. By clearing out the trauma from our energy field, we can powerfully change how we feel and see the world, and outer transformation cannot help but be a by-product of this deep work. Esné uses her channelling abilities to short-cut the process of searching for the root cause of an issue - and perhaps never finding it - by identifying it through spirit and efficiently tapping it out using EFT. In the EFT Intuitive Sessions, we explore core wounds and clear them out from the ground up, peeling off layers of different emotions and beliefs like an onion...eventually arriving at the core. Spirit only gives you what you are ready for, so the process is gradual, gentle and aimed at bringing your awareness to what needs to be healed within you - not to heal you from an outside. The goal is to facilitate your own personal empowerment, and that can only be done when you understand and see your own patterns for yourself. |
"EFT is especially powerful in restoring balance - and can have long-term effects - when we focus on the root cause of an issue." |