Shamanism has many definitions - and some steer away from the term because it has been fetishised in many ways. Therefore, I will simply give you the definition that I was given to me by the spirit of Ayahuasca.
For years, I had been channeling to identify the root cause of symptoms and then tapping it out with Emotional Freedom Technique. However, I could neither say I was a healer nor a psychic, because my work with clients is participatory. It is meant to awaken your consciousness around your own patterns, so that you can be empowered to find your own way. I do not simply move energy, I bring conscious awareness to clients while also driving the energy out. I also am not a psychic in the traditional sense, because I only probe the spirit world to tangibly help the person before me. If the information does not have a practical purpose, if it doesn't create greater understanding, or I am not pushed by spirit to share, it has no place in my sessions. In the end, I am a healer but a shaman is a very particular type of healer. Shamans access the spirit world - using various methods, depending on the culture - in order to identify the psychological, emotional or psychic root of an issue. Then, different methods are used to move and expel the blockages. |
Within the Shipibo tradition in the Amazon, a shaman will use the Ayahuasca brew - a hallucinogenic drink designed for healing purposes - to see your energetic blocks, and will then sing specific songs, called 'icaros', to move the energy out. In contrast, I will channel using my psychic gifts to see blockages, and then will use EFT to massage the blockage out of the system. The philosophy is the same - the methodology is different.
The Shipibo tribe is very connected to the jungle, and therefore the spirits of the plants. So they will use the physical plant and its spiritual properties to heal. Ayahuasca is the most famous healing plant, but there are countless here in the Amazon. The jungle truly is a natural pharmacy, alive and colourful, where the hard-hitting medical properties of the plants work in tangent with spirit to promote wholistic health. "A Shipibo shaman will use the Ayahuasca brew - a hallucinogenic drink designed for healing purposes - to see your energetic blocks, and will then sing specific songs, called 'icaros', to move the energy out." In 2023, The spirit of Ayahuasca invited me to the Amazon to further develop my healing gifts, and a master Shipibo shaman was chosen by the master plant to be my teacher. It is a great honour to be initiated into this ancient tradition as a foreigner, and I take my training very seriously. My training includes retreat periods where I converse with the different plant spirits in seclusion, eat 'dieta' (no oil, no salt, no sugar, no spices), and participate in initiation ceremonies with special healing songs ('icaros').
When I am not on dieta or silent retreats, I give sessions online and do distance healing on clients. My sessions using EFT are a great way to prepare you for the Ayahuasca experience, and equally, excellent for the integration process afterwards. Modern methods and traditional methods work hand-in-hand to create true healing, true change and profound leaps and bounds on your spiritual path. Spiritual awakening and transformation is not only possible, but inevitable. |
Start the journey.
Shadow work is some of the most intense and powerful spiritual work you will ever do. But the rewards are tenfold: when we release old patterns that no longer serve, we can use this energy towards manifesting our dreams and consciously harnessing our own personal power.