Esné is an EFT Intuitive, Channeler and Energy Healer who offers grounded, practical sessions focused on revealing and healing the subconscious self - otherwise known as the 'shadow' self. She guides intuitive and sensitive people to heal old patterns and traumas, and embark on a new chapter of spiritual evolution. Esné has ongoing training with the Amazonian jungle 'Master Plants' within the context of the Shipibo shamanic tradition. Both her healing process and Shipibo Shamanism focuses on the psychological, emotional and psychic root of dis-ease, not the symptom.
Esné is a twice-certified Master in traditional and modern Usui Reiki, and has trained in shamanic energy work in the Peruvian Amazon, in combination with Master Plant dietas. She facilitates Ayahuasca retreats within Peru and abroad. "Shamanism focuses on the psychological, emotional and psychic root of dis-ease, not the symptom." |
With an international client base across North America, Europe and the Asia Pacific, Esné transforms powerlessness into empowerment, as well as mentors new healers on how to awaken to their intuitive gifts and talents, so they can apply them in their own lives.
Start the journey.
Shadow work is some of the most intense and powerful spiritual work you will ever do. But the rewards are tenfold: when we release old patterns that no longer serve, we can use this energy towards manifesting our dreams and consciously harnessing our own personal power.