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![]() Shadow work is so important because it allows you to see what you don't know. It allows you to see what you weren't aware of. It's finding out what you don't know, you know. Because on some level, we know everything we need. We are a plethora of thoughts, feelings, psychic imprints, sensory knowledge... In the sea of the universe, were are but a speck and it can be difficult to discern what is what. But when someone says something and points at it, you know it's true. And you can either deny it and ignore it, or you can accept it as true and address it. When it's something dark, whether about ourselves or ancestral/passed down, it can be a difficult pill to swallow. Accepting it is both admitting defeat (from the ego perspective) and also hearkening a new beginning. Because by acknowledging it, you admit to the problem and allow it to heal. Shadow work is about bringing what is in darkness to light. And before the light is shone on it, it looks like a monster. It looks scary! That is the nature of the work. The scarier it is, the more benefit you stand to gain by healing it. The more treasure is to be found. The greater leaps and bounds you make in karmic cycles. This is the time for this work. More than ever before, we are at a tipping point. Do we let ancestral trauma control us? Or do we control ancestral trauma by healing it and taming the beast to our benefit? This is the work we've being called to do. Do or die. We must evolve, it is no longer a choice. Either we are dragged through the mud, or we evolve to higher levels. The choice is yours.
Shadow work is when you dig deep within yourself and ask why. Why am I like this? And you no longer take it for granted "just because". It isn't about what you are, it's about behaviours, patterns and actions you take without thinking. Your automatic impulses. Instead of saying "just because" or "this is who I am", you say, who am I? And why? It all starts here. It's the beginning. Because once you're able to differentiate between how you feel, how you think and how you act - and who you really are - you can embark on the shadow work journey without getting defensive.
When we're defensive, we know we've hit a nerve. This isn't about an act or feeling - it's about thinking we are that act and/or feeling. Which isn't true but that defensive energy shows us that we think it is. We can know we believe something and intellectually know it's not true, but still believe it anyway. In fact, that's ok. That's a path of growth that's been acknowledged and is extremely positive. Knowing we have a block - before having surmounted it - is the first step. And with intention and proper work, the likelihood is high that you will. But if you can't get past that first step of acknowledging the defensiveness and staying open to exploring it, you will never truly embark on the shadow work journey. You will have dropped out before finding the gold at the end. I have many clients who fall into this category. They want the rewards immediately without taking the journey. This isn't because they're less strong or motivated than others. It's because the ego is so identified with a state, action or feeling that to let go of it represents a death - a real, internal death. And death cannot be forced. It is a natural blooming. The butterfly comes out of its cocoon only in perfect timing. The death of the caterpillar cannot be rushed for the butterfly. Equally, there is a tiredness that comes when the ego has run its course. Like a moulting skin, it comes off naturally and cannot be rushed. Those who become defensive doing shadow work are not ready for it. More maturing must be done in other ways. And because the world and universe is cyclical, no one is ahead more than another. Just simply somewhere else in the lifecycle. But when you're ready, you're ready. it's not something you choose, yet you do choose it. Because you can prolong the process. When you're ready, it means you're ready to separate who you are with the masks and disguises you thought were you. This isn't physical, it's internal. Your anger isn't your anger perhaps, it was your father's. Your self worth came from childhood etc... How does this differ from psychology? There is very honestly a lot of overlap. The difference is energetic: while psychology understand these processes intellectually, energy healers see the energy like thumbprints. I see emotional imprints. We'll get into this later but it is like coming at a subject from a male and female angle. The masculine impulse is to understand, the female one is to feel. Now, you can know something is true, but emotionally it isn't. Emotionally it is absolutely not true. And most of us have been taught to only pay attention to what is intellectually true. That emotional truth needs to be dismissed. After all, it isn't true is it? It's a lie, so ignore it. That is what we've been taught. It has led us nowhere and this is why: emotions colour - and often control - how we think on a subconscious level. If we feel angry, we will have lots of subconsciously angry thoughts, and if it's strong enough and negative enough, the intellectual objectivity we praised and desired so much will go out the window anyway. Ironically, you must acknowledge and take care of your emotional subjective truth, in order to be able to have an objective intellect. When you ignore your emotions, this powerful force will go underground and skew your thinking. While if you acknowledge your emotional truth and honour it, you can accompany your own emotions through a transformation process that will help you align with what you thought was objectively true to begin with. This is why the world is in such disarray. We are largely controlled by our unconscious through systematically training our children to ignore and dismiss their own inner truth. Not only do they lose touch with who they are, and rake up lifetimes of shame, but we become adults who are easily controlled by our emotional state. Because people are largely so divorced from how they truly feel, they fail to realise when a line of thought comes from a very subjective place. Their own unconscious anger belies them; unconscious fear makes the most blatant lies seem plausible. And yet the moment the underlying emotion is addressed, suddenly such thinking seems like madness. This is where our consciousness is evolving. We are reintegrating the feminine, and emotional education/ health is going to at the forefront of this. No longer dismissed and ignored, we need to see how integral and important this piece is, and fill in the vulnerability that keeps us open to being manipulated and used by forces that do not mean well to its hosts. In fa |
ArchivesCategoriesESneMy name is Esné, and I'm a psychic healer working primarily with the emotional body but also training in plant medicine. Join me for thoughts and art that is channelled on all topics related to spirituality. Thank you for visiting! |
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